Friday, June 10, 2005

show me the way

I love Tony Christie. I don't hate that song yet, even though leith FM have played it every morning. That's ok. Its quality. The station plays the most random music ever. Its like someone has picked music in the dark . That's good too though. Beats the shite outta Radio 1.

There is a random guy who shouts out his window to me every lunchtime. I've started shouting back. Here's some of his random quotes:-

Random:I'm depressed!!!!
me: join the queue!!!

Random:Gustav Klimt!!!!
me: Salvador Dali!!!

Random: Help Me!!!!!!!!!!
me: sorry I'm on my lunch

Random: Arthur Scargill!!!
Me: Maggie Thatcher!!!

Random:I'm going to spit on you!!!
me: go on then?

Ill let you know if anything more exciting comes out his mouth other than spit. "money for the whisky?" is my favorite Great Junkie St. random. Especially when he gets his gun out.

Such a culturally diverse place Leith.

Meanwhile back in the west, my friend is swapping knickers and worse yet telling people about it.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Swanieslunch said...

now see thats just too intelligent for the Great junkie st. lot. I woulda bought a big issue from that guy. Inititiave AND humour.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Gunnella said...

Show me the way to a.... ;-)

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaah great junction street the height of sophistication! i was asked once "hey mate, got a spare fiver?" :P not as bad as burberry-checkered ponchos tho..


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