Magenta Cocks
This morning, I got into work only to be told I am no longer required as they are having some financial difficulties and have been advised to lay me off. My boss was very apologetic and explained that the retail industry is going through a rough time at the moment.This is all bollocks of course.
I didn't fit in, they didn't like me, I was still on my probation period, they got rid.
So its only been 5 weeks and already I am back to where i started.
Oh well, as Frank says,
Anyone fancy a pint?
Sorry to hear the news..that's shit. Does this mean you can collect unemployment though?
Aye, I fancy a pint. Shall we? haha
Sorry to hear that. Is there any temporary work you can pick up during the festival?
god you are all quick at responding!
can't sign on beeca no, well i can but i wouldn't get any money cos alan is working, and plus they paid me this week and next. every cloud...
aye dundee i came straight home and started looking for jobs. plenty out there if you re not fussy, and im not so fingers crossed eh?
aye jodes im sittin here dreaming of pints. pints of wine.
oh and meant to say, everyone say hi to becca. i found her blog today and could "relate". lol
Sorry to hear this crappy news, Sarah. When it rains...well, you know the rest.
Chin up! It only means something better is just around the corner.
I still fancy a pint, another one. I am soooo bored. My 3 year anniversary with this place on Friday. I never last longer than 3 years. I need a new job ... quickly.
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