All that is Left is Lost
So I have just seen a bit of the Friday Night Easties, and decided that yes definitely the script writers have just lost all enthusiasm for their job.
If you found out your husband shagged your sister, would you
a) stab him in the bawbags
b) give him a cuddle and forgive him
c) forgive him and have a quick shag on the kitchen table whilst said sister is upstairs.
Also what made Shane I mean Alfie so damn irresistible anyhow?
The man owns one coat, 3 shirts( circa 1989 Simple Minds-esque) and some shitey "Stawl" that sells stuff cancer research would knock back.
I think. Don't actually watch it that much as
a) its pish and
b) I don't really need to as the plots are the same for weeks.
And Alfie MUST have known little, irritating, slappable Mo wouldn't put out for him. Maybe he just needed his 3 shirts ironed.
Trevor has the right idea
I do kind of like Cat though, I don't think she can be blamed entirely for the piss poor plot lines and "when I wis litiwl and raped by me unkle me dad didn't know then took me baiybee zowee" history.
Easties demise started when Barry "fell" off the cliff. Or maybe even before. This annoys me as it is the only soap I kinda watch and if I give up on Easties as well, all that is left is Lost.